Pets like dog-cats are the most common in any family adaption nowadays. There is no doubt that raring and caring for a pet by family members is a good humanity and soul. As pets are sensitive animals, they get sick from several organisms like viruses and bacteria and fall to death. Some diseases that have zoonotic affection cause illness in humans. So, the aminal staying in a family must be free from all diseases and disease conditions. They must need full intensive care and managemental programs so as not to infect humans and other animals.
So, any person who has a pet animal or wants to get one before you have to know about some diseases and disease conditions. By reading this article, you can learn brief knowledge about some common diseases that infect all kinds of cats and dogs worldwide.
Canine Influenza:
‘Dog flu’ is the common name and the main organism is the Canine influenza virus of this disease. Influenza can affect all ages of dogs. The respiratory system is the common site of the organism to become large numbers of the population. It outbreaks by inhalation, direct contact with ocular-nasal swabs, etc. The most common signs are coughing, sneezing, ocular-nasal discharge, moist cough, continuous falling of discharge from the nose, and sometimes fever. The disease is curative and after treatment, it disappears. So, treatment and post-operative care are good for the animal’s normal condition.
Canine Parvo-Virus Infection:
After showing symptoms, the mortality rate is 70-90%. The healing of this disease depends on its identification. The virus can live from 6 months to 1 year on a floor or soil under dark conditions. Mostly puppies but all dogs can affect. At first seen Fever, lethargy condition, and anorexia. After 48 hours, the signs are frequent vomiting, bad smell diarrhea sometimes with blood, then falling temperature, reduced WBC seen as leukopenia, etc. Anyone who sees these conditions must go to a pet specialist for treatment.
Feline Panleukopenia:
The highly fatal disease that occurs by the virus is mostly in kittens. Frequent diarrhea, fever, dehydration, and anorexia are the most common conditions. The cat must be going to die because of its early treatment. So, animals need special care and treatment. Contaminated feeds, litter, direct contact, or others are epidemiological causes to spread it.
FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis):
The synonym of this disease is coronavirus. There are two forms of this disease:
- Wet form: Fever, weight loss, and emaciation, ascites in the abdomen.
- Dry form: Fever, increased thirst and urination, and jaundice may be seen, as well as sometimes appearing nervous signs (ataxia, loss of balance).
It is dangerous about 99% of kittens are dead after the outbreak of all conditions. So, it must be careful about its pre-operative care before infection.
FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) Infection:
- Feline Leukemia Virus Infection
- Feline Calici Virus Infection
- Feline Herpes Virus Infection
The family ‘Retrovirus’ causes all ‘FIV’ infections and all are vital for all types of cats. It mostly affects the immune, respiratory, nervous, and gastrointestinal systems, and multiplies here. Fever, diarrhea, anorexia, arthritis, joint pain, gingivitis, ulcers, and glossitis are the most common signs of this virus. So, treatment and epidemiological knowledge must need to follow specific disease conditions.
Acetaminophen toxicity (paracetamol), and pyometra are the causes of this disease. The formation of crystals through acidic urine influences the kidneys, bladder, urethra, and ureter blockage. Factors that can cause this condition include:
- Mostly older male cats
- Old age (90%) but not neutered
- Drinking a small quantity of water
- Consuming concentrated or dry feeds more
The most common signs are pain, dribbling urination, straining during urination, and a large abdomen.
Therefore, the best management and treatment involve avoiding the above-mentioned factors for this infection.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI):
Urolithiasis and sometimes bacterial infection pyometra, and urinary tract infections are responsible for this disease. The clinical signs and symptoms are:
* Frequent urination (small quantity).
* Profuse pain.
* Licking the affected site frequently.
* Normal urination character changes- urination outside of the litter box.
* Sometimes, pathogenic bacteria grow and create pyogenic conditions.
Dermatophytosis: The fungal skin disease is a highly contagious zoonotic disease in dogs and cats. Two types of fungus genus ‘Microsporum spp’ and ‘Trychophytoc spp’ are responsible for dermatophytosis. It is a soil-born disease, and the animal’s unhygienic conditions are commonly affected by this organism. The signs are:
- At first, crush or flag formation on the skin
- After continuous itching or rubbing on the skin, resembling a ‘Cigarette’ ash-like lesion. This lesion then spreads from its center of origin to the other side of the body, creating a round or ring-like appearance. The disease lesion is easily observed through physical examination.
Treatments and Advice for pet diseases:
Nowadays, various types of medicines and vaccines are introduced for animal nursing. As you are not a pet specialist, you must go to an animal doctor after any disease or diseased condition appears. Never try to treat your pet because pets are the most sensitive, and always obey a pet doctor’s advice for any condition of your pet.
Managemental and preventional care is most important for any animal’s health and depends on your technique. At first, you must have some knowledge to take before rearing a pet. So, always be careful and try to maintain the hygiene and cleanliness.
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